Monday 28 April 2014

Kids do Munich (some more)!

Easter arrived, and so did the Easter bunny. It was craaaazy!

It is a little known fact that if you stretch before eating chocolate then you can fit more in.

Off we went to Osterfest (Easter Festival), for some more excitement and to work off some of those Easter eggs.

We left the toy rides and moved onto the real thing.

Welcome to Fairytale land for some fun, excitement and funny looking animals.

Just cruisin the kinderbahn.

I want a Bertie Beetle!

Not sure where this little piggie was going but he better watch out for the hunter.

Danke schön Munich until next time. Tchüss!


Thursday 17 April 2014

Kids do Munich!

Guten Morgen (Good Morning) Munich!

We made it to Germany. Over the alps and into the land of wurst, schnitzel and playgrounds.


With Lisa and Christian we took on Munich's bike paths. Us kids were in the back.

We stopped at a princess palace for a portrait.

The next day we made it to the zoo. Where there were more than a few monkeys.

Who thought there were surfers in Munich, especially when it is near freezing, and the nearest ocean is thousands of miles away.

We then left for Garmisch, the Alps and snow. Me and Lisa made a snowman called Olaf!

Hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go......

This is all just a bit much.

But we finally made it. Hi fives all round.


When you thought it was all over....into the canyon we go.

Finally it is time for a well earned break. See you next time.



Friday 11 April 2014

Kids do Florence!

Buongiorno, from our florence apartment!

We loooove florence. Especially the carousel.

Can you believe that this is all they feed us here. Loooove biscotti! It is all too much for Mary who has to have a lie down.

414 steps later. The view from Giotto's bell tower was worth it.


Florence is the worst city ever.......Hey something is happening to my nose?

David schmavid. The peeing dog statue is the best sculpture in Florence.

A side trip to Pisa. Not sure if it is the camera or tower that is crooked.

Ciao from Florence. See you in Munich.



Friday 4 April 2014

Kids Fly High to Florence



This is going to be a long trip. I hope the captain knows where he is going?

Because this little black duck has no was lucky I had Mary the bear to cuddle on take off.

We finally arrived in Florence....


...and I am ready for a swim. No heating here though, the water was a little chilly.

We decided to work on our poses instead. At least one of us has a lot of work to do.

Until next time, arrivederci.