Thursday 8 May 2014

Kids do Switzerland!


Yodel ai hi hoo! First up Lucern

This is the best way to get around.

I can't believe they are putting us to work!

Mirror mirror on the wall....

Everyone trying to be funny! Don't worry about the lion carved into the cliff.

Run little mouse...


It's OK I can get up.

Off to the alps we go.

We made it...

Geneva marathon here we come...

Not sure the United Nations is ready for Lachlan.

Run mum run....

We are proud of you.

Lastly Bella run

Run Lachie run...or should it be run ducks run.

Goodbye Zurich and Europe. May we meet again soon.



Monday 5 May 2014

Kids do Germany and France

Off we go again. 1st stop the Cinderella castle (I can almost touch it)

Next stop is beautiful Lindau. Let's all make a wish.


On the way to Mainau Island.

Apparently it is lucky if you touch this fellow on the nose.

Next stop the Alsace region of France. Can you keep up.....

Up into Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle, it has survived sieges but can it survive a visit from Lachlan.


Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair?

Our last stop before Switzerland was Freiburg in Germany. We are loving the canals.

Next stop Switzerland. See you there!


Monday 28 April 2014

Kids do Munich (some more)!

Easter arrived, and so did the Easter bunny. It was craaaazy!

It is a little known fact that if you stretch before eating chocolate then you can fit more in.

Off we went to Osterfest (Easter Festival), for some more excitement and to work off some of those Easter eggs.

We left the toy rides and moved onto the real thing.

Welcome to Fairytale land for some fun, excitement and funny looking animals.

Just cruisin the kinderbahn.

I want a Bertie Beetle!

Not sure where this little piggie was going but he better watch out for the hunter.

Danke schön Munich until next time. Tchüss!